The Venice Chronicles
Animation Nation 08 Freedom Screening – Thanks for coming.
I’m jetting back to Tokyo in about 3 hours time ( having only arrived around midnight yesterday ), quite a mad rush just like last year, but I wanted first to thank everyone who took time off today to attend Freedom’s seminar/screening at ( a rather obscure location ) Fusionopolis, and also Dave, Shirley and everyone else from SFS who took the trouble to bring Freedom in again this year. I apologize for the somewhat clumsy Q&A session after the screening ( I’m a CG artist by profession and not a translator ), so please forgive me if I wasn’t able to provide satisfactory answers, passed off as been rude, or behaved in an otherwise unpleasant ( though definitely not intentional ) manner.
After the screening I had dinner with a few friends, watched Tropic Thunder, which was hugely entertaining, and then a long and quiet nightcap, all which coupled with the screening made the trip worthwhile, albeit short.
Last of all I wanted to thank my secondary school friend from Victoria Pinyan for coming to the screening, I’m very sorry I had to miss Nick Warren at Zouk, if I were staying for a couple more days the answer would have been yes of course, let’s meet up with Jackson and Chongyu next year.
I’ll try to post a little more about the screening when I get back to Tokyo. Cheers, and goodnight.