I’ve never been intimate with the Final Fantasy series of games ( blasphemy, I know ) but its such a formidable brand with such captivating visuals that I’m always intrigued by its products – the latest been the packaging for its Final Fantasy XIV soundtrack.
The soundtrack is released under 2 separate titles/packages , namely “Battle Tracks” and “Field Tracks”, in what seems to be simple fold-out cardboard boxes adorned with beautiful illustrations and CG art. Each soundtrack is 1500 yen ( about 18 USD ).
Music is once again handled by Nobuo Uematsu, long time Final Fantasy soundtrack composer.
Purchase Final Fantasy XIV Soundtrack – “Battle Tracks” from Amazon here.
Purchase Final Fantasy XIV Soundtrack – “Field Tracks” from Amazon here.
Looking forward to the movie cut sequences from the game when its released. And if someone could tell me how the music is after they’ve listened to the soundtrack, I’ll be happy too. :]
September 29th, 2010 at 3:43 pm
Not even one mention of the actual music?
September 30th, 2010 at 1:32 am
I was just hearing Nobuo Uematsu in my way to work, very good memories everytime. I will search this new soundtrack.
Music reach every corner guys!

October 3rd, 2010 at 6:06 pm
Craig – Sorry…hopefully someone will let us know more soon ! :p
rulascalaca – Let us know if you get your hands on some. :]