Shonen Jump Manga Exhibition, Tokyo 2018.

Posted By yonghow on August 18th, 2018

Shonen Jump Manga Exhibition, Tokyo 2018.

While in Tokyo this late Spring I visited the Weekly Shonen Jump Manga Exhibition, a 50th year anniversary celebration for the ever popular manga magazine which started in 1968. The 3rd segment of the exhibition is currently on-going, focusing on manga that were popular during the 2000s to present day. I was able to catch the 2nd segment while in Tokyo.

Despite the huge crowds I was still able to enjoy the exhibits in relative comfort, with original comic panels and illustrations from popular titles like Dragonball, Slamdunk, YuYu Hakusho, Video Girl Ai and more.

Shonen Jump Manga Exhibition, Tokyo 2018.
Shonen Jump Manga Exhibition, Tokyo 2018.
Shonen Jump Manga Exhibition, Tokyo 2018.

(above & below) One of the souvenirs I purchased at the exhibition gift shop – a reproduction comic panel from Dragonball, printed at the same size that Akira Toriyama worked on. I knew original Japanese manga panels are B3 size but I’ve not been able to check the exact measurements. B3 size is pretty huge, which is why the special deluxe edition of Otomo Katsuhiro’s DOMU ( also reproduced at B3 size ) is gargantuan.

Shonen Jump Manga Exhibition, Tokyo 2018.
Shonen Jump Manga Exhibition, Tokyo 2018.

( above ) The museum store also carried a catalog of the exhibition, which collects all the art work featured. At the time of reading this catalog is not available for purchase from Amazon Japan, but hopefully it will be in the future.

Shonen Jump Manga Exhibition, Tokyo 2018.
Shonen Jump Manga Exhibition, Tokyo 2018.
Shonen Jump Manga Exhibition, Tokyo 2018.
Shonen Jump Manga Exhibition, Tokyo 2018.
Shonen Jump Manga Exhibition, Tokyo 2018.
Shonen Jump Manga Exhibition, Tokyo 2018.
Shonen Jump Manga Exhibition, Tokyo 2018.
Shonen Jump Manga Exhibition, Tokyo 2018.
Shonen Jump Manga Exhibition, Tokyo 2018.

(above & below) Original art works by Masakazu Katsura ( Video Girl Ai ) were also on display. I highly recommend his art book Zuroku Extended.

Shonen Jump Manga Exhibition, Tokyo 2018.

The last leg ( part 3 ) of the Shonen Jump Exhibition runs till September 30th 2018, so you still have some time to catch it if you are in Tokyo. Do note the exhibition contents will be probably different from what I’ve shown in this post ( part 2 ); do let me know what is on display if you do attend.

More details on the exhibition here.

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6 Responses to “Shonen Jump Manga Exhibition, Tokyo 2018.”


Akira Toriyama rocks! Thank you for another great post and the tip on paper size.


Hey Yonghow,

I’ve been to both the first and second exhibits. Great stuff. One thing I’d like to clarify, though. The replica art that Jump sells at the venue are not in their original size. They are way smaller than the originals. The much more expensive, colored replica art that you can order at the venue (and they ship only within Japan) are at the original size.


Jay – Oh, I see, I’m wondering if we’re talking about the same things. I was quite certain the manga panels reproductions ( but not the colored replica art ) are the original B3 size. Do you know what size they the originals are if not B3 ?


DISTRAKT – I love his art ! :]

kok kit Lo

Hi Yonghow,

I opened a Tenso account at the end of this exhibition.
I pre-paid the books and got my books sent to Tenso forwarding very quickly when the books were out and now I have them 🙂
You should try to do the open account NOW…haha to anticipate any future eventual exhibition’s visit in Japan. Opening account is not very straightforward since they want your real ID and Passport Infos and it needs a bit of time to be review after subscribption.
It’s frustrating to not be able to get certain things when not living in Japan. 🙂


Kit to – Thanks for the review on Tenso, I’m definitely interested. Will check it out !

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