Back in 2006, mecha designer Junji Okubo released his first art book Industrial Divinities ( read my review here ), a collection of production robots manufactured by the fictitious Heavy Industries corporation named Izmojuki.
The robot designs proved to be hugely popular both in Japan and internationally over the years, and in 2014 toy maker 1000toys picked up Okubo’s designs for figure production. This new hard cover art book Industrial Divinities 2017 is an update of his first publication, and includes robot and mecha designs from the original book, as well as new designs. Furthermore, English captions/annotations are now included in the book, allowing the reader to discover details about each mecha unit.
I’ve been a fan of Junji Okubo’s mecha designs since his first Industrial Divinities art book, so this was a day one purchase for me. Released by Hera Publisher, this book was previously available for purchase solely through their online shop, and has only recently become available on Amazon Japan. Stocks might be limited, so I suggest getting your copy soon if you are interested.
“Industrial Divinities 2017 Art Book 出雲重機” details :
– Dimensions – 22 x 24 x 2 cm
– hardcover, 160 pages
– Full color, in Japanese & English language
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June 19th, 2018 at 3:53 am
A must have!