Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In Art Book Review

Posted By yonghow on September 22nd, 2015

Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In Art Book

Looking Out, Looking In is a collection of paintings by Andrew Wyeth, one of the best-known U.S. artists of the middle 20th century. This book focuses on the artist’s recurring use of windows as his subject matter in his paintings.

Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In Art Book

(above) Christina’s World ( on display at the Museum of Modern Art, New York ) is one of Andrew Wyeth’s most prominent paintings. It was the art piece that inspired the look of Ellie/Dina’s farmhouse in The Last Of Us Part II game, and also appeared in the 2013 sci-fi film Oblivion starring Tom Cruise.

Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In Art Book
Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In Art Book

When viewing some of the artists’ works Edward Hopper comes to mind; indeed, both Andrew Wyeth and Edward Hopper are considered the top proponents of American Realism painting.

Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In Art Book
Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In Art Book
Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In Art Book
Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In Art Book
Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In Art Book
Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In Art Book
Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In Art Book
Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In Art Book
Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In Art Book
Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In Art Book
Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In Art Book
Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In Art Book
Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In Art Book
Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In Art Book
Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In Art Book

I find myself fondly drawn into the austere and sometimes strangely hypnotic quality of Andrew Wyeth’s paintings. I hope to have the chance to see some of his work in person in the near future.

“Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In″ art book details :

– Dimensions – 1.2 x 10 x 11.5 inches
– Hard cover, 216 pages
– Full color

Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In 
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3 Responses to “Andrew Wyeth : Looking Out, Looking In Art Book Review”


A must have, I love his work!


beautiful work. hypnotic indeed.


  1. N.C. Wyeth - Great Illustrations Art Book Review - Halcyon Realms - Art Book Reviews - Anime, Manga, Film, Photography

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