“Switch” is a popular arts and media magazine in Japan, with special articles on the latest Japanese films and animation. This issue features the making of Yuasa Masaaki’s ( KickHeart, Mind Game ) highly acclaimed Ping Pong animated series, adapted from Taiyo Matsumoto’s ( Tekkon Kinkreet ) manga of the same name.
(above) Matsumoto Taiyo doodles the lead characters from Ping Ping on a Ping Pong table.
(above) Sagami Bay in Enoshima. Matsumoto, who lives nearby in the neighbourhood of Fujisawa, based the world of Ping Pong around Enoshima.
(above left ) “Kanai-kun“, Matsumoto’s first illustrated picture book.
(above) The article features select pieces of color scripts, storyboards and image boards used in the making of the anime. (below) Animation for the series is done by Tatsunoko Productions. One of the founders of the studio is Kuri Ippei, the creator of Gatchaman.
A fascinating look behind the making of Ping Pong. Don’t miss this if you are a fan of the series. Please note that the Ping Pong special covers only about 1/3 of the magazine’s contents.
“Ping Pong The Animation – Switch Magazine Special ピンポン特集” details :
– Dimensions – 11.1 x 8.3 x 0.5 inches
– Softcover, 128 pages
– Color, in Japanese
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November 9th, 2014 at 11:10 am
So glad i got a copy of this magazine at a second hand bookstore in Tokyo. I was simply looking for anything by Taiyou Matsumoto and since i don’t speak the language i had to look at the bookkeeper in the eye, show him a picture of Tekkonkinkreet and say “Taiyou Matsumoto?”, he brought me to a shelf filled with a bunch of his works and then came a minute later with the magazine. Beautiful experience.
I also grabbed a few copies of the Takemitsu Zamurai manga. Love the unique art Taiyou Matsumoto did in there. I can’t read japanese so i bought it for the art and then went online for the english translation scans of the story. Pretty good story. Pick it up if you haven’t.
November 9th, 2014 at 11:44 am
Hafiz – Glad you enjoyed the trip. I actually have two Matsumoto Taiyo art books up for review soon. Stay tuned. :]