A vending machine that sells…

Posted By yonghow on December 17th, 2007

A somewhat nondescript vending machine that I spotted on a shopping lane in Shin-Koenji.

Now is it a vending machine for…

1) Nicotine Gum
2) Condoms
3) High Grade Cigarettes
4) Candy

( For those who don’t recognize Japanese characters, the answer may not be immediately apparent. )

I remember seeing a condom vending machine in a film before ( Hackers, when Angelina Jolie was issued a challenge to buy some condoms from one ), but this is the first time I’ve ever come across one in person.

I mentioned nondescript as vending machines in Tokyo are almost always decorated with the latest drink advertisement that it is selling, ie a prominent TV celebrity, and are generally bright and colourful. This one however, is so strictly utilitarian that it looks almost outlandish by comparison.

Posted in Japan

13 Responses to “A vending machine that sells…”


Interesting! The last time I was in tokyo, I was trying to find the vending machine that sells used panties. I’m beginning to think its an urban myth though…


these dispensers can be found quite commonly in my college bar toilets. I think they were a pound for three. cannot remember the brand…..trojan?

0.02! fantastic feel i suppose? until the 0.02mm sheath gives way that is…


i believe it is condom vending….am I wrong?


They are actually pretty common in toilets over in London. I remember seeing loads of them there. And oh, this seem to have pwn Okamoto Condoms by 0.01mm ^^;


Goodness, the kind of things seen on the streets.

Not exactly surprising though.


Ahboon – Vending machine that sell used panties really exists, though I’m not sure if they can be found anymore and in Tokyo. Tough luck. :p

I think Sagami is a major condom manufacturer and so many of its products, including the machines can therefore be found overseas as well. Why not Singapore, I wonder ?


Wow. That’s really convenient!


the vending machine in Japan is amazing….totally give them a different meaning!!
haven’t check up ur blog for a while~~Merry X;mas and Happy New year!


Ivy – Yes indeed. Thanks for visiting ! :]

IRene – Merry Christmas !


“I think Sagami is a major condom manufacturer and so many of its products, including the machines can therefore be found overseas as well. Why not Singapore, I wonder ?”

Must have more babies what.

The Sojourner

Yeah. They do have condom vending machines in the UK. I even saw a few of those in a youth sports club’s toilet.


w – Missed that one. :p

Parar de Fumar

Nice machine! You can even see the package before you buy! I don’t understand japanese but I am curious, why is the third one more expensive?

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