Tiger Im Schlamm ( Tigers In The Mud ) is a watercolor illustrated collection of short manga stories showcasing the various battle tank platforms used during WWII. Painted by Miyazaki-san himself, the illustrations are based on the book of the same name by Otto Carius, a famous German Tank Commander who is credited with destroying more than 150 tanks. To gather research for this book, Miyazaki-san traveled to Germany and met Otto Carius in person. His travels and photographs of the trip are also included in this art book.
As with his other Daydream Notes art book, the sombre mood of warfare is never present and the stories are whimsical and light hearted, presented by Miyazaki’s much beloved pigs as the main protagonists. The illustrations are detailed, vividly colorful, and full of the wondrous charm that one has come to expect from the master.
While there are no English captions or translations of any kind, Miyazaki-san’s beautiful watercolor illustrations are still well worth the price of the book. Highly recommended.
“Tiger Im Schlamm – Hayao Miyazaki Daydream Notes 泥まみれの虎―宮崎駿の妄想ノート” artbook details :
– Dimensions – 29.2 x 20.6 x 1 cm
– Softcover with jacket, 87 pages
– Full color (watercolor), In Japanese
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October 31st, 2012 at 4:25 am
To everyone interested on this; there is an ancient translation of some parts from the actual serialization made by Maki Kamimura, still accessible online (http://www.mv.com/users/ctwilkes/manga.html). People can use it as guide if they want to import this beautiful book and appreciate it better.
November 5th, 2012 at 11:28 pm
XX – Thanks for the heads up ! :]