L’Incal is a set of science fiction comic book series written by Alejandro Jodorowsky and illustrated by Moebius. This Japanese edition compiles the six volumes into a single hardcover book. The six volumes are :
1) L’Incal Noir (“The Dark Incal”) (1981)
2) L’Incal Lumière (“The Light Incal”) (1982)
3) Ce qui est en bas (1984)
4) Ce qui est en haut (1985)
5) La cinquième essence – Galaxie qui Songe (1988)
6) La cinquième essence – La planète Difool (1989)
The book is crammed full of Moebius goodness, with epic vistas of alien landscapes and an astonishing myriad of bizzare creatures and characters that inhabit his Sci-fi setting. As I read the book from cover to cover I can recognize more than a handful of images and ideas that other prominent artists have paid tribute to, or otherwise influenced their visual style.
“L’Incal – Jodorowsky/Moebius Graphic Novel″ details :
– Dimensions – 25.4 x 19.6 x 3 cm
– Hardcover, 336 pages
– Full color, In Japanese
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February 13th, 2012 at 3:26 am
I just ordered this book(HC) in English from Diamond the other day.
I am a big fan of Moebius and was looking for this book for some time now. It was out of stock for a long time and when I sew that it was offered again in Jun, I just had to order it as soon as possible.
Now that I have seen your review I am even more happy that I ordered this book, cant wait till it arrives.
February 15th, 2012 at 1:02 am
Oren – THanks for the heads up. Perhaps you can leave a link so readers here can purchase it if they’re interested ? :]
February 19th, 2012 at 6:30 am
The books name in English is: The incal classic collection.
As far as I know, you can’t order it from a site without being a registerd store at Diamond comic distrbutors(so I don’t have a link).
If anyone has a local comic book store around them then they can ask there to order it for them(you need to order before the end of this month so you can be sure to get it).
Here is a comic book shop locator for stores that order from Diamond:
February 24th, 2012 at 7:37 pm
I discovered halcyon realms a few monthes ago and have to congratulate for the quality of the writing here : this is quite a blog ! I’m French and it’s nice to see interest in giraud/moebius work on your blog : your post on The Incal have me re read the whole saga (i have the original french edition of nearly all of his stuff : my father was a big fan) and other classics from Moebius (arzach, hermetic garage, aedena etc …) In the process i also came across a kind of artbook named “les mystères de l’incal” (mysteries of the incal) written by Jodorowsky/Moebius and Jean Annestay … it’s only in french and out of print but full of interesting bits about Dune storyboard and then the Incal world, the meaning of it all (and the links with esoterism, especially tarot) … it’s also including a short comic treating about origin of the metabaron cast : this story was latter redrawn and developped by Juan Gimenez (you HAVE to check the metabaron serie by Jodorowsky/Gimenez if you like the Incal !!! Juan Gimenez drawing are just too good to be true) … Talking about french artists … people like Enki Bilal and Sylvain Chomet (animation) would fit great on your blog 😉
February 24th, 2012 at 7:47 pm
oh … i almost forgot : if available you may also want to check a serie named “Before the Incal” the story is by Jodorowsky but the artist is Zoran Janjetov (a Moebius disciple) it’s also very very good !
February 27th, 2012 at 1:30 am
Oren – Thank you so much for the link ! :]
mortimer – Cheers ! Thanks for all the great information. I like Bilal and Sylvain Chomet’s work ( The Illusionist especially ) very much.
June 24th, 2012 at 11:34 am
The pair did a first book, “Le Nouveau Rêve” of “Aprés L’Incal” in 2000 which is why presumably some versions of the 1980s books are billed as “Classic Incal”. There are also a number of Incal related books not illustrated by Moebius. But being in America, even though it’s not really top notch Moebius art in my opinion, it did slip by my radar for a decade.