Mike Mignola‘s last comics project before he embarked on his epic Hellboy journey, Bram Stoker’s Dracula is his graphic novel adaptation of Francis Ford Coppola’s 1992 movie of the same name.
Originally released as a full-color four issue adaptation some 25 years ago, this new edition comes in stunning black and white. Mike Mignola’s bold graphic style is perfectly suited to tackle this moody gothic horror number, with its rich inky blacks and shadows, creating dynamic negative spaces that help to accentuate shapes and forms.
There is also much more detail in the linework and hatchings, a style that Mike Mignola graduating evolved away from as he worked on his Hellboy comics, quite evident in Hellboy in Hell.
There are also some select pages showcasing Mike Mignola’s pencil drawings and are just absolutely gorgeous –
This is a perfect volume to enjoy Mike Mignola’s beautiful art style at its most detailed, before his work evolved slowly over time when he worked on Hellboy to become more and more simplified. My highest recommendations.
This version of the comic I’ve reviewed is the monochrome black and white edition; there’s also a color version available.
I also recommend Mike Mignola’s other art books – Art Of Hellboy and Hellboy : The First 20 Years.
“Bram Stoker’s Dracula – Mike Mignola Graphic Novel” details :
– Dimensions – 8.3 x 0.5 x 12.4 inches
– Hard cover, 136 pages
– Black & White/Full color, in English
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December 17th, 2019 at 12:52 pm
Oh, I like this. The inky blacks remind of Black Hole, by Charles Burns. Ever read that one? It’s very good.
December 18th, 2019 at 3:44 am
Wow, strong work. I was never a big Mignola fan because of the simplicity of the Hellboy drawings, but this style is a great balance between that and more detailed line drawing. He lives up to his fame with this kind of work.
December 19th, 2019 at 4:00 pm
Deckard – I have not, but I’m going to. Thanks for the recommendation !
Chris – Yes, if you compare his early Hellboy work and this they look very similar in style; as you mentioned a good mix of the simplified shapes and rendering, but still with good detail in them. Very nice work indeed.