I think I belong to a rather small group of people who liked Bryan Singer’s Superman Returns; perhaps my limited knowledge of this Superhero’s mythology allowed me to see pass any expectations/inaccuracies and just enjoy the film.
The story flowed and the pacing of the film was good, and the action pieces were engaging and entertaining. But mostly I loved the film for the great art direction by art/production designer Guy Hendrix Dyas, ( below left ) in particular the look and design of Jor-El’s Fortress Of Solitude.
(above) There’s an entire opening sequence cut from the final film with Superman returning to earth in his crystaline starship.
“The Art Of Superman Returns” art book details :
Dimensions – 10.9 x 0.8 x 9.7 inches
Hard cover, appr. 160 pages
Color / B&W sketches
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