The Fish (魚と出会う図鑑) is an illustrated art book by Japanese artist Yusei Nagashima (長嶋祐成), who specializes in illustrating marine life. A native of Osaka and graduate of the prestigious Tokyo university, Yusei had a strong interest in fishes/insects and have been illustrating them since he was a kid.
This art book showcases 145 different types of fishes and marine life, all beautifully illustrated in brilliant, vibrant colors. Even if you don’t understand the accompanying Japanese text, the art work is still plenty splendid eye candy and can be appreciated on their own.
Most of us probably regard fishes primarily as a source of food, but there’s an astounding variety of species living in the world’s oceans that are stunning to behold; the beautiful patterns and scales of their streamlined forms. This book is a good opportunity to appreciate just a few of them.
“The Fish – Yusei Nagashima Illustration Book 魚と出会う図鑑 長嶋祐成 イラスト集” details :
Dimensions – 23.2 x 0.9 x 24.5 cm
Soft cover, 96 pages
Full color, in Japanese
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August 13th, 2020 at 7:24 pm
Haha yes definitely think of them more as food most of the time. That said, I do really like the photography of deep sea creatures like this one, they make for interesting subjects:
August 16th, 2020 at 1:25 pm
i – Oh that looks interesting, I’m fascinated by deep sea fishes as well. Thanks for the recommendation !
August 18th, 2020 at 10:34 pm
You’re welcome! I also appreciate the all the art books that you recommend and share, I can imagine how time consuming it can be.