Tara Duncan is a French fantasy novel series written by Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian, following the stories of the powerful magical spellbinder which gives the series its name. The cover art for the Japanese translated edition are illustrated by renowned character designer Range Murata ( Last Exile, Blue Submarine ).
Completed over a period of 12 years, this book includes all 24 cover illustrations of the Tara Duncan novels ( Japanese edition ), with the addition of production sketches done by Murata. This is his first published art book in 7 years – the last one was the fantastic Prismtone.
I wrote an article about Range Murata’s Tara Duncan illustrations way back in 2010; but I’m really glad they are now all collected in this beautiful hard cover for all to enjoy. Fans of Range Murata art work will definitely want a copy of this. Recommended.
“Tara Duncan Artworks – Range Murata 村田蓮爾 タラ・ダンカン アートワークス” art book details :
Dimensions – 28.6 x 21 x 2 cm
Hardcover, 80 pages
In Japanese language
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