Jiro Taniguchi is a collection of illustrated works by the famed manga artist, winner of many comic accolades like the Osamu Tezuka Culture Award and numerous awards at the Angoulême International Comics Festival. I believe this is the first time the artist’s illustrations have been published in such a comprehensive collection.
The art book has captions in English, Japanese and French, so readers can enjoy additional background information about the artist’s works while browsing the illustrations.
(above) Jiro Taniguchi’s tribute art work for Moebius’s Japanese edition of the Blueberry comic.
(above & below) I find similarities in the art work of Jiro Taniguchi and Otomo Katsuhiro – check out Genma Wars, maybe because both of them are influenced by the legendary Moebius.
At 6000 yen ( about $58 ) the art book is quite expensive, but in my opinion worth the price because of the huge collection of art work, all beautifully reproduced in this hard cover volume. Recommended.
“Jiro Taniguchi 谷口ジロー画集” art book details :
– Dimensions – 30.6 x 21.8 x 3.3 cm
– Hard cover, 256 pages
– Full color, in English, French and Japanese language
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June 30th, 2016 at 8:39 pm
great book.
My favourite parts were the 80s and 90s work.
July 7th, 2016 at 10:49 am
This one’s lava razor blades