Genso Gynaecocracy 2 is the second omnibus collection of short manga stories written and illustrated by Blade Of The immortal artist Samura Hiroaki. Read the review for the first volume here.
A total of 11 short stories in all, Samura takes on genres like period, sci-fi and fantasy, with sketches and short annotations between each chapter divider. Also, while I have no idea what the story is behind his cover illustration ( top image above ), it looks fantastic.
As with the first volume, an English edition of this manga will unlikely be available anytime soon, so for fans of Hiroaki Samura’s art they might just want to go ahead and pick this up for the low price.
“Genso Gynaecocracy 2 – Hiroaki Samura Manga 幻想ギネコクラシー2 沙村広明” details :
– Dimensions – 7.1 x 5 x 0.9 inches
– Softcover, 85 pages
– Black & White, in Japanese
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November 30th, 2017 at 8:02 am
Would love to see these made into animated shorts