Fire Engines And Hyper Rescue is a delightful illustration book by Japanese artist Morinaga Yo, who specializes in drawing children’s educational books. This is actually one of the three transportation/vehicles series of books by the artist, the other two being Shinkansen and Jumbo Jets.
As the title might suggest, this book explores the operations and vehicles of the Tokyo Fire Brigade, also know as Hyper Rescue in Japan. Vehicles featured include the fire engine, which is of course the main vehicle used by the fire fighters, as well as the NBC ( Nuclear/Biological/Chemical ) truck and ambulances. The book also explores the typical day in life of a fire fighter, as well as the numerous equipment they use for their rescue work.
This book was illustrated for children, but the delightful and lively drawings make it an enjoyable read for adults as well. Also, the language used is pretty simple and all Kanji characters come with furigana pronunciations, which is great for learning Japanese !
I highly recommended Morinaga Yo’s other illustrations art books that I’ve reviewed – Tokyo Skytree and Tsukiji Fish Market.
“Fire Engines And Hyper Rescue – Morinaga Yo Illustration 消防車とハイパーレスキュー モリナガ ヨウ” art book details :
Dimensions – 26 x 19 x 0.6 cm
Hard cover, 28 pages
Full color, In Japanese
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February 7th, 2019 at 2:37 am
OMG I so feel like buying that book right now
February 7th, 2019 at 2:38 am
…Children’s illustration is not something I really thought that suits me; but I do see how invested he was.
February 7th, 2019 at 6:26 am
Can’t get enough of illustrated pieces like this!