Archive for April, 2006


Posted By yonghow on April 23rd, 2006


Print ad for Takashimaya NAC scholarship

Posted By yonghow on April 16th, 2006

Bloody crazies Vol II. Pizzacato5ive art directs a soon to be released print ad for the Takashimaya NAC scholarship. Too radical perhaps for MITA, but stylish nontheless. Photography by Kenneth.

Bloody crazies these blokes. Image courtesy of Pizzacato5ive.

Posted in Life

Babes galore, rush hour in Shibuya station.

Posted By yonghow on April 8th, 2006

Babes galore, rush hour in Shibuya station. This is but only half of the entire ad spread.

Japanese Macdonald’s print ad

Posted By yonghow on April 7th, 2006

I don’t ever remember seeing a Macdonald’s print ad as hip as this one in our ( Singapore ) Mac’s. Not even remotely close. Simple and clean, yet screaming coolness, its interesting how a mere Macdonald’s tray sheet can tell you about a country’s culture and fashion sense ( or lack thereof ).