Total Tally for 2008 : 17 in cinema + 92 on dvd/blu-ray = 109 2008 List Films watched ( in the theatres ) National Treasure : Book of Secrets | My Blueberry Nights | The Other Boleyn Girl | Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay | Manufactured Landscapes (docu) | The Forbidden Kingdom | Street Kings | Ironman | Indiana Jones and the *yawnz* | 崖の上のポニョ (Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea) | Kungfu Panda | The Dark Knight | Star Wars : The Clone Wars | Wall E | Bangkok Dangerous | Babylon AD | Tropic Thunder | Films watched ( on dvd ) Stranger than Fiction | Freedom Writers | A Good Year | The River Wild | The Pursuit of Happyness | 3:10 to Yuma| Indecent Proposal | Perfume | The End of the Affair | Sukiyaki Western ジャンゴ| Sakuran さくらん| The Good German | Lust, Caution | Silent Hill | The Brave One | Scoop | Resident Evil : Extinction | Beowulf ( Zemeckis ) | ストレンジャー Sword of the Stranger | Appleseed Ex Machina | There Will be Blood | The Golden Compass | Jumper | Cloverfield | (in-flight) Vexille | Alien vs Predator - Requiem| The Kingdom | Grindhouse : Planet Terror | Grindhouse : Death Proof | リンダリンダリンダ (Linda Linda Linda) | Life in Cold Blood (docu) | Evangelion: 1.0 You are (not) alone | The Good Shepherd | Miss Potter | TMNT| Silk | Deja Vu | Blades of Glory | The Fountain | The Assassination of Jesse James | 88 Minutes *bah!* | Angel (Ozon) | Reign Over Me | Bridge to Terabithia | No Country for Old Men | Elizabeth : The Golden Age | Batman : Gotham Knight | Disturbia | The Water Horse | American Gangster | Margot at the Wedding | The Darjeeling Limited | Chronicles of Narnia : Prince Caspian (inflight) | Speedracer (inflight) | Red Cliff | The Mummy : Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (inflight) | Wanted | Deception (inflight) | Three Kingdoms : Resurrection of the Dragon (inflight) | Horton Hears a Who ? (inflight) | 10000 BC | Seraphim Falls | Seven Years in Tibet | Genius Party | Atonement | Sleuth (2007) | Next | Untraceable | The Kite Runner | 21 | Cyborg She 僕の彼女はサイボーグ | August Rush | 10 Items or Less | Juno | Shaolin Girl *Bah!* | Control | December Boys | The Bucket List | Eastern Promises | Les Jolies Choses | Hellboy II The Golden Army | Annie Leibovitz : Life Through a Lens | Fast Food Nation | Surf’s Up | Yama no Anata (山のあなた)| Priceless (Hors De Prix) 2 days in Paris | Borat | You don’t mess with the Zohan | Across the Universe | Fool’s Gold | Fur : An Imaginary portrait of Diane Arbus|